5 Best Ways To Engage Your Child In The Off-Device World

According to a survey , children’s excessive screen time is the number one cause of mom’s guilt. As soon as my 5-year-old daughter rushes home from school, she always begs for a phone or iPad before lunch. Haven’t you tuned in to Netflix for more than 2 hours this Sunday just for a quality dinner and conversation time? Remember, avoid screen time negotiations. Experts say that negotiation makes the relationship weak over time. Instead, give your child some reasons to explore the real world at fascinating places such as outdoor spaces or indoor playgrounds in Singapore. 1. Plan a fun activity: Snatching is not the right approach. Utilize the advertisements’ timeframe, and plan a fun activity, such as a quick tongue twister or a little race across the living room. This is how your child can do the most sit-ups happily. Research shows that parental involvement in children’s learning has a deep association with the socio-emotional development of your child. If he loves the acti...