Indoor Playgrounds and Technology: Balancing Screen Time with Active Play

When we were kids, our parents often told us to play outside instead of staying home all day. But whether it's watching their favorite cartoon on television or playing online video games on a laptop, 21st -century kids spend more time inside their homes than playing healthy outdoor games. Over the past few years, technology, including mobile phones, laptops, tablets, and PCs, has become imperative for work and relaxation. Kids these days are digital natives and prefer using the latest technology for homework, communication, and gaming. According to recent research , less than 30% of adolescents perform healthy physical activities daily. Surely, digital advancements have endless perks, but one of the key drawbacks is that kids don't like playing healthy games and spend most of their time sitting on a couch and playing games online, adversely affecting their physical and mental health. Interestingly, indoor playgrounds in Singapore use the latest technology and equipment to get k...